Arrival in Buenos Aires

Wikipedia says Buenos Aires has a population of about 15 million. We’ve been here 3 days and have no reason to disbelieve this – it is a bustling, busy, noisy, mostly grubby place! Many of the significant buildings around town show that the halcyon days of this city are past and there isn’t the cash... Continue Reading →

What are we doing?

Ok, so here's the plan - it's pretty loose, as I'm sure you'll appreciate. The six of us: Tom and Jeanette, Pete and Barb and Ailsa and I, fly out of Adelaide on the 24th October, bound for Buenos Aires. We'll have four days in BA, checking out the sights and familiarising ourselves with the... Continue Reading →

Welcome to our blog

Congratulations, you're in the right place if you're planning to follow our journey. We're just getting started so bear with us - and the car hasn't turned up on time so it will be another week or so before we start driving. In the mean time, you can read about what we are up to... Continue Reading →

Shipping route

Click on the heading above to see the cars' shipping route from Melbourne, Australia, departure date August 24th 2018 to Montevideo, Uruguay ETA 30th October, 2018

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