Bryce Canyon National Park

The route we chose from Moab to Bryce Canyon National Park went though a series of unexpectedly spectacular regions, which bordered each other with little in between. Firstly past the quirky landforms of Goblin State Park, then through Capitol Reef National Park, the evergreen mountain region of Dixie National Forest, then through part of Grand... Continue Reading →

Arches National Park

Tourist Information Centres, aka Visitors Centres, are well promoted and sign-posted in most US towns. At the point of entry to each state, they are wonderfully informative places with free maps and coffee and smiling staff welcoming you to their town and state. The amount of information can be overwhelming. In the case of the... Continue Reading →

Dinosaur National Monument

Our next destination was Dinosaur National Monument which is a huge area of protected land which straddles the Colorado Utah border. 'National Monument' and 'National Park' seem to be interchangeable terms for the same thing and our information told us that the Colorado side had the beautiful scenery and the Utah side had the bones!... Continue Reading →

Rocky Mountains National Park

With a rough plan of visiting the National and State Parks along the route north to Canada, we left Colorado Springs and headed for Rocky Mountain National Park. Staying off the Interstate, we passed to the west of Denver and slowly climbed, passing through some heavy hail storms and beautiful country side. Keeping in mind... Continue Reading →

Colorado Springs

We took the road east towards Colorado Springs visiting Stewart’s sister Marian and her husband Jim. This was a lovely family week, just relaxing at home, chatting and catching up with J and M’s adult ‘kids’, Anita and Mark. Troopy had a ‘sleepover’ at the mechanics for some timely maintenance while we rested and his... Continue Reading →

New Mexico & Southern Colorado

It was hot and windy as we drove to the border crossing at Santa Theresa, about 25 kms to the west of Ciudad Juarez. On advice from other travellers, we avoided the main crossing ‘The Bridge of the Americas’ at Ciudad Juarez as apparently the wait time was shocking. Our crossing was uneventful and after... Continue Reading →

Heading north to the border

After much discussion and deliberation as we awaited the release of the troopy from the confines of the container port, we decided our priority was to get to the border and into the US. One of things we had hoped we would be able to do as part of this trip was to drive the... Continue Reading →

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